Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Valentine's Day is almost here, and we're super excited! It's always a nostalgic time for Neil and me, as it celebrates our first date, (we know...so cheesy! But it was a coincidence...I promise!) and it's fun to think back to those memories. We're planning a "Babysitting-Swap: Date Weekend" for Valentine's Day, and are excited to get dressed up and try a fun new restaurant. We'll probably commemorate the actual day by getting a heart shaped pizza, (it's become a tradition somehow!) but we've been celebrating all month in the Pitman home. We've designated it "Love-Month" and have been having fun stuffing our mailboxes with "Love-Mail". (Best $4 ever spent...Thanks Target Dollar Spot!) There's no end to the fun...Valentines for Iain from us, notes of adoration for Ella from Iain, cards for me from Neil, tokens for Neil from me, "tolerate" notes for Iain from Ella...and the list goes on! We've had baked goods, coupons, poems, and even a balloon! Iain loves "checking" his mailbox every day, (which for him, entails chewing on the flag!) and I love to wake up in the morning and see my flag up. Love is in the air!

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!! I love, love the mailboxes, what a great idea!!...And I remember when you and Neil went on your 1st date :D it seems like forever ago.
