Monday, May 25, 2009

God is Gracious

This is what Iain's name means. We have had some great reminders of that over the last several days. Here are some of the many things for which we are thankful to God:

- Beth was discharged from the hospital today, but Iain has to stay. We weren't sure where we were going to go or what we were going to do. Iain's nurse came in at 7am and said they were moving him to a different bay in the NICU for babies who are getting ready to go home. It is a huge room with a private bathroom with shower, a pullout couch and 2 recliners - and mom and dad can room in with him for free!!!

- Iain's head measurements have remained constant so far; this is very important. Please pray that this continues and there is no sign of fluid increase.

- Iain did not have to have surgery during his first days in the world!

- Beth is recovering and healing from her surgery.

- Iain is showing no sign of the infection that Beth may have passed on to him during labor.

- Iain passed his hearing test, showing another part of his brain that is working great.

- Iain's bilirubin count is going down so he is unlikely to get jaundice.

- Iain is so hungry and is breastfeeding like a champ. His NG tube for supplemental feeding and his IV for fluids are both gone now. This is one of the things he needs to accomplish before he can go home. The nurses are amazed at his progress with this (and also amazed by how much he can eat...).

- He continues to be active and alert, crying his lungs out when he is hungry or upset; by all external signs he is a healthy baby.

- Mom and Dad have felt very well taken care of by the doctors and nurses and have been very blessed by the hospital staff.

- All 3 of us have felt so supported and prayed for by our family and friends. We have had visitors come down from Dubuque and have had many people let us know they are praying for Iain - people that we know and don't neccesarily know personally. This has been huge. For all of you that have sent us congratulations and have prayed for us - thank you!!!

Here are a few pictures from the last few days! We will keep you posted as things progress.

Iain and Daddy having some snuggle time. Notice the family resemblance!

A happy, swaddled little man.

Iain's late night visitors!

Iain spending more time with his Auntie and Uncle.


  1. Brett and I cannot tell you how important this blog has been! We are glad we can be a part of things from so far away. Tell little Iain he has to go home soon because Auntie Breha and Uncle Brett have sent him his first package from Canada!

  2. I can't wait to get a chance to hold him, too. I'm so envious of everyone that's there! He's darling! I'm so thankful for this blog, too. It's so great to peek into your lives from this side of the world! God bless!

  3. Praise the Lord oh my soul, praise the Lord!
    Beth & Neil,
    I will continue to praise Jehovah-Jireh for providing above and beyond for all of your needs
    during this time! And I petition Jehovah-Rophe
    for the supernatural healing and the testimonies
    given throughout lain's life of how his great God has been so gracious!
    Kathleen Smith

  4. Great Aunt Faye is also thankful for this blog. Iain looks so handsome! I am glad for every update you post. We are hoping to be able to see all of you this weekend when we travel to Iowa.
    You have a beautiful son! CONGRATULATIONS!

  5. Congratulations from Juice and Wendy! Thanks for the updates, it's great to see how the Lord has been in complete control this whole time! Hope to meet him soon and we'll look forward to hearing when you are released to go home.

  6. What a beautiful baby boy Ian is. I am so happy to hear that he is able to nurse well.

    I am also the mom of a boy who has complete agenesis of the corpus callosum. My baby was diagnosed with ACC at four months old and he is now 15 years old. There was also the question before he was born regarding normal/borderline size of ventricles in his brain. In my child's case, it turned out to be fine and the ventricles did not enlarge or become a problem.

    I created a website about ACC when my child was little. The website is located below if you may want to have a look. There is also a new Agenesis Corpus Callosum blog.

    I am praying for baby Ian and will continue to lift him in prayer and am keeping you both in my prayers too.

