Monday, June 20, 2011

Ode to the Dads

I'm sad to be a day late on this post. It's tough to find time to blog when you're the one doing the pampering, instead of being pampered! But I would be remiss if I did not take time to mention the men in my life that I am thankful for on Father's Day! So here's a short (and late!) Father's Day poem in their honor.

To Dob-Dobby, my own Dad!
A better Daddy was never had.
With your handy hands you fix,
But still have time for Iain's tricks.

For Dad P, my Dad in "law"
My second Dad, and a great Grandpa!
You do all you can for us,
And love us lots, without much fuss!

For my Grampy, I sure love you!
And Papa, gone on to Heaven too.
You've taught me many things in life,
About the long road of joy and strife.

For my brother, an uncle who's lots of fun,
A wonderful Daddy to a child soon to come.
You're the best, my "little big bro",
I hope you know that I love you so!

Two brothers-in-law, smart and great I see,
One fabulous Daddy, and one soon to be!
Two Uncles with love for two little boys,
To entertain, and play with toys.

One nice husband, a Daddy of two-
Without this man, oh what would I do?!
Adored by his sons, and his wife as well,
A wonderful Dad, he sure is swell!

Sure am thankful for all of these guys! And Dads? If poetry's not your style, I'll just wish you a "Happy Falker Satherhood" instead.

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