Monday, January 30, 2012

The Tortoise and the Hair...

Clearly, second children do not always follow in their elder siblings' footsteps. We know this to be true in just about every manner with our eldest and youngest, and none more so than in regard to their manes. Iain was a year if he was a day before he had any hair worth combing. He was almost two by the time he got his hair cut for the first time and it was over six months before he needed another one. However. Liam was born with more hair than Iain had when he turned one, and it's been growing like a weed ever since. Clearly it was time for a haircut.


So off to Mikaela we trekked, soother in hand for comfort as needed.
In just a few snips of the scissors...
...our hairy beast...
(...or shall I say our wee lass...)
was transformed
into this handsome fella!
What a BIG BOY!

And of course, we can't forget his ragamuffin brother.
He underwent his own transformation...
...though he can't seem to make a normal face in photos to save his life!
Still handsome though!
If you've seen our kids lately, you're probably thinking 'They got haircuts recently?' Because they sure don't look like it. This is no fault of Mikaela! Since I'm so belated with this post (say...approximately two months late?) it's just about time for another one.

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