Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Grammie's Boy

Grammie is Iain's hero. There's no other way to say it! From the first moment we lay eyes on her, until the time to leave, he's by her side 24-7. For Iain, no one else will do.

Grammie gets his breakfast, his lunch, his dinner, his "snackables". And often some very messy, delicious dessert! She helps him eat it, coaxes him to finish, and appeals to his decidedly finicky tastes.

Grammie gives him his bath and tolerates much more splashing and swimming that Mommy and Daddy allow! Grammie does nap duty and bedtime, and sings many more songs and reads many more stories than Mommy and Daddy ever do!

Grammie plays with him (golf, hockey, pirate ship...you name it!) and colors with him, lets him help with laundry and cooking...all the things Mommy does, but it's so much better with Grammie! In fact, Iain often says "Don't come here Mommy", when he's playing with Grammie, fully expecting that my only intention in joining them is to ruin his fun!

But I will admit, he might be right. Grammie does lots of things that Mommy doesn't do, like reading his favorite book over and over, literally dozens of times in a row, or letting him "skype" on the computer.

But, I guess that's okay, because Iain will do things for Grammie that he won't do for anyone else too. Last winter, Grammie broke his bottle habit, when we'd tried everything. And this time around, Grammie attempted (with great success!) POTTY TRAINING! Yep, it's true! Iain is (mostly) potty trained, and it's all due to Grammie's patience, sweet-talking and effort! She convinced him early in the trip that Big Boys wear UNDIES, and from there, it really wasn't too difficult! Every half hour or so (for the first day) they'd go for a "little walk" to the potty, and Iain would gladly tinkle for Grammie, even though he's resisted for months for Mommy. After that first day, he was basically "trained", and we didn't even really have to keep an eye on him. He even quickly lost interest in the candy and stickers we had as rewards, in favor of praise from Grammie as motivation. He's continued to do well since we came back. We're still using pull-ups for naps and outings, but he wakes up and comes home dry every single time! And since we got back home, we've conquered two more big obstacles of fear: using the big potty, and doing stinky-doo-doos! This is big news, and it's all thanks to Grammie!

Yep. There's no doubt about it. He's Grammie's boy, through and through!

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